Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Miata True Miata?

The Mazda Miata holds an almost obligatory slot in the perfect ten car garage of a would-be gearhead. The reason for this? The car fits the formula of a driver’s car perfectly: Engine up front, stick shift in the middle, and the power goes to the rear wheels. Both nimble and fairly inexpensive, the Miata has always made up for its lack of power through the way it makes you feel in the bends, not to mention that you can actually afford one with ease.

When pictures of what the 2014 Miata will probably look like hit the internet, some devoted lovers began to panic. Would the new, more aggressive styling mean that there would be a large increase in power (and price) to match? Would the inexpensive corner-cruiser of old now be in line with the somewhat bloated heavy hitters of the new?

Well fear not, there will be no need to spend hours trying to find a worthy replacement for that spot in your perfect garage. The Miata will actually be lightened to about 2200 pounds, all the while keeping it’s close to 170 horsepower output. The new engine will be smaller (1.3L) and turbocharged though, but I think we will soon get used to that change.

Soon, we may find ourselves waking up to a Miata that is far different than the car it originally was. For now however, the “Gearhead Godfather” is still the same old, though updated, car we always have and always will love.

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